Monday, September 12, 2011

"Green" Fun- Christmas Lights

Believe it or not, Christmas is just around the corner. If you are like some of the ambitions people out there, you'll start putting up your Christmas lights the day after Thanksgiving! That gives you just over 2 months, but before you throw out any old or unwanted Christmas lights, think about turning them into a fun experiment instead!

Here is a picture from a previous post, see this one, that shows just one possibility with those lights. 

Fun for young and old, try rearranging colored ones into shapes or messages. For the more technologically advanced, perhaps a small logic board would bring even more possibilities! 

We want to try this out at the Schoolhouse in the coming months. If you've tried this before, let us know and send us a pictures. If you are interested in how we did this and have additional ideas, we are more than happy to talk! 

Just ask for Joe.

Flying 'Copters and a Throwing Star



The Schoolhouse- Fun Science

The SchoolhouseIMAG3056IMAG3057IMAG3058IMAG3059IMAG3060

Our Flickr fotos for the Schoolhouse

Monday, August 22, 2011

August 10th- Schoolhouse Fun with Pegoes

Last week on Wednesday, Tommi and Joe experimented with Pegoes, blocks with 1 inch spacing drilled holes. On the left, Tommy is playing Lego golf. On the right, Tommy can be seen modeling the Pegoes Stilt prototypes in action with the Hoberman sphere as accessory. Click the images to enlarge.

~More photos (and even video clips!) coming up soon, so check back often.

Friday, August 19, 2011

August 3rd- Fun with Christmas Lights and the Hoberman Sphere

 The 1880's era schoolhouse building on Lenox Laser property has recently been renovated into a family-friendly space to promote the exploration of science. The walls are covered in pegboard, and they are covered with Lego and eBlox contraptions.

 Joe d'Entremont of Lenox Laser likes to take his grandchildren here to play and explore. Here, little Tommy and friend David experiment with inserting old Christmas lights into a pegboard stand.

Playing with the Hoberman sphere- a.k.a expanding sphere- fun for all ages!

Way to use your head!